

Start your journey into robotics software development.

Discover the power of the BOW Software Development Kit (SDK) by following these practical tutorials, and begin your journey into robotics software development. If you are new to BOW, start with the GettingStarted tutorials. To explore the SDK in more detail, jump to the Control tutorials. To understand the potential for integration with third-party components, keep up with our growing repository of integrated Applications. For examples of good practice, browse the Guides.

Getting Started

Complete these tutorials to setup your development environment, obtain code examples, connect to robots, stream data from their sensors, and get them moving.


Gain a deeper understanding of BOW's universal robot representation, and how this enables different levels of control, from setting joint angles (forward kinematics) or target positions (inverse kinematics) to low-level autonomy (obstacle avoidance).


Discover how the BOW SDK enables you to develop sophisticated robotics applications by integrating third-party software components, including artificial neural networks for perception (visual object recognition) and decision making (via large language models). The list keeps growing, so come back soon to keep up with the latest developments.

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